Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
The Serenity Prayer - What does it Mean and how will it Help You Stay Sober? (Episode34)
Hi friends, in this episode we dive deep into the Serenity Prayer; a beautiful prayer that has a second verse many have not heard. Thousands of people use this prayer as part of their daily devotions including myself and my husband. We have 35 years of sobriety between us and this prayer is part of the reason why. Find out how this prayer helps so many people stay sober through the use of things like serenity, peace, acceptance, courage, and wisdom. Learn how it can calm our fears, anxiety and panic as we practice acceptance and find peace with those things out of our control like Covid, wildfires, aging, grief, addiction and more. We will explore this prayer from a biblical perspective and from the perspective of its use in sobriety and Alcoholics Anonymous
Monday Aug 30, 2021
5 Things You Must do to Stop Drinking Alcohol (or Using Drugs) Episode 33
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
5 Things You Must do to Stop Drinking Alcohol (or Using Drugs) Episode 33
In this episode I will dive into the 5 things you must do to stop drinking or using drugs. I will share my own experiences and detail how these 5 things kept me sober. I have been sober for 16 years and my husband has been sober for 19 years. These are 5 things we have done and continue to do. They have helped us stay sober for many years and I know they will help you or a loved one get and stay sober too. In this video I will also tell you how to get my free Stay Sober Resource which will provide these tips along with meeting locators, explain the difference between A.A., N.A., and Celebrate Recovery; explain what makes a good sponsor and more.
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
How do I Know if I'm an Alcoholic or Addict (Episode 32)
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
How do I Know if I'm an Alcoholic or Addict (Episode 32)
In this episode I will share the eleven signs (from the DSM-5) that mental health professionals use to determine if someone has a substance abuse problem. I will be brutally honest with you and share how these eleven signs manifested in my own life before I quit drinking. I pray this will help you or a loved one get into treatment for their addiction.
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
What Does Forgiveness Have to do with Recovery Anyway? (Episode 31)
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
What Does Forgiveness Have to do with Recovery Anyway? (Episode 31)
Why does Alcoholics Anonymous refer to resentment as "the number one offender?" Why is resentment and unforgiveness so damaging to our health? In this episode we dive into the physical, mental, and spiritual ramifications of resentment and unforgiveness. We will talk about how to rise above the hurt and pain of betrayal; how to actually forgive someone, and more.
Monday Aug 09, 2021
What is Emotional Sobriety (Episode 30)
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
The term 'Emotional Sobriety' is most often used in the addiction recovery realm since addictions are 'Band-Aid's' of sorts used to suppress painful emotions. Have you ever known someone who got sober and their behavior was just as bad if not worse as when they were drinking and using? In this episode I describe what emotional sobriety is and how you can get it!
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders - Causes and Treatments (Episode 29)
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders - Causes and Treatments (Episode 29)
In this episode I'm joined by Marriage and Family Therapist Susan Reynolds. In this impactful conversation we mix personal stories and therapeutic advice to unpack all aspects of anxiety. We talk about the different types of anxiety disorders and causes; manifestations of anxiety in childhood; Generalized Anxiety Disorder vs other types; repressed emotions and anxiety; addictions and anxiety; ways to self manage panic attacks; transference of anxiety and more.
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Five Keys to Overcoming Anxiety & Panic Attacks (Episode 28)
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Five Keys to Overcoming Anxiety & Panic Attacks (Episode 28)
I began having bad anxiety and panic attacks when I was 21, right after I started my radio career. Luckily, I don't have panic attacks anymore. Through my recovery process I discovered many tips, tricks, and lifelong habits to battle and overcome anxiety and panic attacks. I will share 5 of them in this episode.
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Forgiveness and Redemption from Abortion and Addiction (Episode 27)
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Forgiveness and Redemption from Abortion and Addiction (Episode 27)
Don't miss this impactful episode about God's amazing grace and power to set us free from guilt and shame from abortion, addiction and more. I'm joined by author Jane S. Daly who wrote "The Girl in the Cardboard Box." She will share her powerful story of redemption and forgiveness after an abortion. I will share my story of finding freedom from addiction. Through our personal stories and theology we will prove that no one is ever beyond God's forgiveness and amazing grace.