Monday Nov 01, 2021
How Does Childhood Trauma Cause Addiction? (Episode 42)
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
How Does Childhood Trauma Cause Addiction? (Episode 42)
Learn how childhood trauma can cause addiction or addictive behavior patterns later in life. We will discuss attachment/bonding and authenticity-the two important things needed in childhood to create security. Without these two things we can experience fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness and a myriad of other things that can lead to the addictions later in life. Substance abuse and process addictions release chemicals in our brains that can mirror attachment and connection. Thus we find that addiction is a replacement for what we need. Unfortunately, addiction is an evil mimicry for God created bonding and it can backfire and cause all kinds of problems in our lives - even death.
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Can I be an Alcoholic AND Codependent? (Episode 41)
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Can I be an Alcoholic AND Codependent? (Episode 41).
There is a saying: “If you take the booze away from an alcoholic you get a co-dependent.” Is this true? Tune in and I will answer this question and explain what codependency actually is.
Monday Oct 18, 2021
What is the False Self and why do we Create One?
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Learn about the 'false-self' and why most of us create one? Find out how this defense mechanism can serve as a protection in our family of origin and how later in life it can become a liability in our emotional development. Shame is one of the underlying symptoms of the 'false self.' When we do not learn to live from our authentic God-Given self we can fall into addictions and other life altering challenges. When sin entered the world that is when shame, abuse, neglect, hiding and everything bad entered into the picture. The good news is that God created you unique and longs to restore you and me back to who He created us to be.
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
5 Ways to Better Boundaries with Addicts and Toxic People
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
5 Ways to Better Boundaries with Addicts and Toxic People
Lack of self-knowledge and knowing how to separate mentally and emotionally from others is at the core of poor boundaries. This episode explores 5 ways to help you develop better boundaries with addicts, toxic people or manipulators in your life. Although I have been sober from drugs and alcohol for 16 years, I'm also a recovering codependent. These 5 things are essential whether you struggle with addictions, codependency, low self-esteem or all three. We will explore how to emotionally separate from others; knowing yourself; knowing your rights and needs; getting support - you can't know what is wrong until you know what is right; learning to play out the scenario so you have a plan; proper self-care and more.
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
What is Codependency and is it an Addiction? (Episode 38)
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
What is Codependency and is it an Addiction? (Episode 38)
In this short episode I will describe what co-dependency is and how it can manifest in our lives. Many people think that a codependent person is someone who enables an alcoholic or addict. While this is sometimes true, that definition only scratches the surface. In this short but packed episode I'll explain how codependency issues start, specific ways they manifest in our personality, and how these can cause us troubles if left untreated. I will also explain how codependency impacted my life, whether or not codependency is an addiction, and several ways you can work toward overcoming codependent personality traits.
Monday Sep 27, 2021
16 Ways to Stay Sober for 16 Years (Episode 37)
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
16 Ways to Stay Sober for 16 Years (Episode 37)
In this show I will share 16 stay sober tips that have helped me stay sober for 16 years. We will look at triggers, identity, internal locust of control, whole object relations, isolation, remaining connected to God, self-care, honestly, seeking counsel and more. Learn about these concepts, what they mean, and how you can either implement them into your life or expel them. These tips are also essential for overcoming codependency and developing a healthy identity.
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Stop Doing These 3 Things to Stay Sober from Alcohol and Drugs(Episode 36)
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Stop Doing These 3 Things to Stay Sober from Alcohol and Drugs (Episode 36)
In this episode we will discuss three things you must stop doing to stay sober! We will explain how these three things can cause you to spiral into addiction, and how each one plays off one another to cause a relapse. I will explain how I stop engaging in these three bad habits in my own life, and share some ways you can stop doing them too.
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Is God Mad at me because I‘m an Alcoholic? (Episode 35)
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Is God Mad at me because I'm an Alcoholic? (Episode 35)
Many people experience guilt and shame because of their addiction. They feel like God is mad at them because they struggle with addiction and don't know how to stop on their own. In this episode we will explore the question: “Is God Mad at me because I’m an Alcoholic.” We will explore 5 things as we address this question: Addiction born of pain, Sin, Shame, Redemption and Love. It is my hope that this episode helps you or a loved one to stop drinking (or using) and reach out to the one who had supernatural power to deliver.